So, my husband ordered me a new laptop from HP. Since he now works for them, we get a discount on our product from them. So here I am getting used to typing on a laptop and using the controls. It will work nicely to have this available now for markets so that I don't have to wait to enter everything at home and discover the errors in adding. I am excited to use this on trips wherever and whenever.
Today Rick is again out turning pin cushions. And I am again acting as quality control. Now if the wood would just cooperate, we could get on a roll with all the pin cushions that need to be finished.
In other news, I am getting a few projects together for my stitchers to get busy on so that I will have some new things to introduce at the next market. Just to give you a taste...there will be a Halloween ruler and basket, at least two Christmas ornaments, a Bees Ruler Pocket, hopefully the next in the sampler motifs and meaning series and finally a new box with an Adam and Eve theme. These are the projects currently in the works. If all goes well, some of them even might be ready to release before market!
I better sign off now. Included the forest picture to remind me to relax and smell the roses. I hope you will all have some stitching time this weekend.
Relax and Enjoy!