Moving is just not fun!! Here we are amidst boxes sky high and in all the wrong rooms. We did not have a pleasant experience with our moving company and needless to say our review will not be favorable. We have been here about three weeks and it's been a real mess.
We have been buried under boxes and trying to find the stuff we need to live day to day without much success. I did get some of the company boxes unpacked and was able to mail out shop orders last week. It doesn't help at all when you have two knees that just won't let you work as fast as you would like.
Anyway, I was finally able to get all the email addresses into the random numbers generator (including those sent to my email address) and so we have three winners of the Online Needlework Show drawing. They are:
If you three will contact me with your snail mail addresses, I can get your prize out to you this week. So sorry this took so long, but as I said...moving is a real... know what I mean.
On to future projects:

I am working on two new sets of pendants. They will be sampler pendants and here is a sneak peak at one of the pendants.
I think they will be a fun stitch. There are two different patterns with four pendants in each. They will be released at the Nashville Trade Show in February. I hope they will be well received. I had fun designing these petite treasures.
I am still working on the reproduction sampler and hope to have it finished soon. I think the hardest part of reproducing a sampler is getting the colors right. I am sure many of you have had experience choosing replacement fibers for a project you want to do. Well, picture this process with attempts to match the colors from the back of a sampler a few hundred years old!! Then when you think you have the colors just right, you start to stitch and the colors can still not look the way you would like them too. So any reproduction you stitch is the designer's best guess at matching colors. The whole thing usually comes out fine in the end, but it is a bit of a challenge as you are doing it.
Thanks for your patience as we get settled into our new home. Hopefully we will be able to get a Christmas Tree up in our new home before the actual festivities. Hope those of you who are stitching gifts for Christmas will have everything finished by Christmas Eve. I will be lucky to get Christmas Cards out this year. It won't be the same this year for my family. This will be the first Christmas without my dad. I am sure we will have many memories to think and talk about, but it will be a bit tough the first time around.
May your Thanksgiving be a blessed time with loved ones and drive safe.
Until Next Time...stitch to your hearts delight.