Well, it's that time again. The October Online Needlework Show starts later today and Milady's Needle is again participating. For this show I decided to focus on Christmas, so my entire ornament collection is listed in the show. Oldies but goodies are listed as well as the latest designs. Browse and make a list to give to your local needlework store so that they will order them during the show.

Here is my first design.
It was a joy to stitch.
One of my favorites is Christmas Elegance.
I love the look of one color.
There will be a drawing again for this show. By now you know the drill...tell me what's on your wish list and I will send you one or two of your favorites. There will be three winners. However, you must either leave me your email address in your post or have your email address visible in your account settings so that I can contact you if you win. In April, I was unable to get a hold of one of the winners, because I couldn't find an email. Don't miss out simply because I don't have a way to get a hold of you.
Although we are on the road this weekend...the move to Arizona is finally happening...I will be checking in on the blog to see what's up. I arrive in Arizona on the 24th and the show ends on the 25th so be patient while I open boxes of product to fill orders and announce the winners of the drawing.
Thank-you all for hanging in with Milady's Needle while we have been on sabbatical this year. We are looking forward to our return to markets starting February at Nashville. Look for a new reproduction sampler or two, more pendants, pin cushions and whatever else comes out of the design closet.
Till Next Time...Enjoy a stitch or two.