I went to my regular Thursday night stitching group and we had a wonderful time laughing, eating and talking. Not much stitching was done and my friend Michelle should have reminded us of her blog title a few days ago ("Less Talkie and More Stitchie") before we got too far into the evening!! We had a great time!! Aren't stitching friends the greatest!!
On my way to meet with my group, I had my friend Kim cut up all the names from the comments section of the blog for the drawing. I had copied all of your comments with the names so that I could use them for the drawing. Near the end of the evening I had each friend draw a name from the container and then narrowed it down from four to one. The winner of the drawing is Elizabeth of Witch of Stitches!! Congratulations Elizabeth!!
But wait...when I arrived home, I found that three of the pieces of paper with names on them that were cut on the way to the meeting had lodged under the drivers seat of my car. Guess Kim got a little crazy with the cutting! So, I decided that I would simply add those names back in and do a second drawing. So you all had a second chance at winning. The second winner is Kellylee! Congratulations to you Kelly!!
It was great to have so many entries for the drawing and the number of you who joined as followers is wonderful! Thank-you all for your lovely comments on my designs. It helps every designer to know that there are more than just her close friends who like what she or he is creating!! :) Please do keep visiting Milady's Blog and keep up with the latest news on the design front. Hopefully my husband and I will be able to get the website into shape this next year and I will let you all know when it's ready to view.
